This version will let EDIUS users “Edit in place” content ingested and edited by the Aurora News production system and provides seamless Mediaframe support.
With V5.1, EDIUS users will use Aurora Browse to find content in the Database:

From within the EDIUS bin, the Editor now has access to the MediaFrame database.

Metadata, Keywords and Keyframes from Aurora MediaFrame are displayed and updated live both in the EDIUS Source viewer and timeline and in the metadata editor property window.

Once the Editor is done, he can send the finished sequence back to the K2 SAN as a finish product. There are several options to export it to the K2 SAN or he can use the NRCS MXF Exporter to link the story to a Newsroom computer system place holder. This will allow direct playback by the Aurora playout news application.

Avaibility and compatiblity:
EDIUS 5.1 will be released April 20th 2009.
EDISU 5.1 will be compatible with Aurora 6.5 and up, K2 3.2.7 and up, K2 Summit V70).
For any question concerning this subject contact Régis André:
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