Tuesday, April 12, 2016

REMOTE SENDS PART 3: Sending to a remote K2 device

When it comes to sending content from the production environment to remote facilities, GV STRATUS offers a wide range of possibilities

In a 3-part series we are covering various case studies, and we already showed you on a previous post (Multisite and remote workflows with GV STRATUS) how to share content between multiple GV STRATUS sites, what we call MULTISITE sharing. Part 2 covered Sending video from GV STRATUS to a remote file share.

Finally, here in part 3, we show you how you send content from your GV STRATUS / K2 production facility to other locations where they may have a K2 device (K2 SAN, Summit, Classic or Solo) but without GV STRATUS being part of their installation.

In this video, we provide the example of sending from a GV STRATUS production facility located in Singapore, over to a K2 Solo server located in our offices in Sydney. 

For any question concerning this subject contact beatriz.alonso-martinez@grassvalley.com