Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Field editing with GV STRATUS and coming back to the facility

Hi dear readers... I've been very glad to receive a few emails recently from followers with positive feedback and I wanted to thank you all for reading our blog. It is great to know that it provides some help and support to our GV STRATUS users!

We have talked about our field / remote editing workflows before on our blog. You can check our entries here and here.

Today we have a new video demonstration talking about the process of editing in the field with a laptop running EDIUS (and if needed, GV STRATUS) and coming back to the production facility. Often our users are unclear as to how they can simply bring back their field edits and conform / export content to the GV STRATUS production system. It is actually pretty simple, so please take a look...

So you can see that not only the tools and user interfaces do not change at all whether you're in the field or back in the office, but the actual process of reconnecting to the production network is pretty seamless.

Do contact us if you have any questions: beatriz.alonso-martinez@grassvalley.com